Friday, November 27, 2009

Looking for a "Map" or "tie" syntax

I'm trying really hard, but failing, to NOT add more syntax to xmlsh.
The problem I'm trying to solve is the clumbsiness of accessing properties, or name/value pairs,
in particular when serialized to a kind of properties file.

With the advent of the xproperties command, you can now read a standard Java properties file (in either text or xml form) and assign it to a variable.

Suppose you have a simple properties file


This parses into XML (using the standard Java Properties API) as

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "" []>
<properties version="1.0">
<entry key="a">b</entry>

Read into a variable as
props=$<(xproperties -in

You can access the value of key "a" with the expression

<[ $props/properties/entry[key="a"]/string() ]>

Am I the only one who finds this extremely cumbersome ?

I would like to do something like one of these

or even

But any of these syntax sugars requires the shell "know" the structure of $props and do something magic with it. I really dont like the idea of extending the core syntax to handle a particular schema, even one as common as Java Properties. Suppose for example I wanted Map instead so I could put non-string values ... Properties wont cut it.

MarkLogic has a xquery function for that (map:map()) and various map:* methods to get at the values. I'd like something like this but built into the shell and expandable to arbitrary XML schemas. What to do ?

The latest thought I had was to borrow somethign from Perl (gasp). The tie funciton. "Bind" a variable to an expression so that you could define your own shortcuts with map or array-like syntax.

Suppose for example I could do something like

xbind props '<[ //entry[key=$key]/string() ]>'

then magically make
$props["a"] or maybe ${props:a} or ${props[a] } invoke the bound expression and produce "b"

You could then use this mechanism to create array or map-like notation out of ANY schema.

Is this worth the effort ? When does adding syntax actually start to deter from a language instead of add to it ?

1 comment:

  1. I settled for the tie operator.

    tie variable 'expression'

    The expression is invoked as an xquery expression when variable is referenced via

    The args are passed as $_ and the variable is the context for the expression.

    Example using xproperties
    A=$<( xproperties -a foo="foo value" -a bar="bar value" -a a.b="a.b value")
    tie A './/entry[@key = $_ ]/string()'
    echo ${A:foo}


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