Thursday, December 15, 2011

XMLSH v 1.1.8

Winter Update I've updated xmlsh and all the extension modules (both documented and non documented) including
  • MarkLogic
  • eXist
  • AWS
  • JMX
  • Calabash/XProc

Primarily a minor tweek and bug update but also includes new commands and features and updates to the latest run-times of all extension modules (MarkLogic 5.0 , latest Calabash , latest AWS etc).

Definitely a suggested upgrade for all.

One caveat.  Due to a suggestion from a reader, as well as my long-term wish, I've changed "xls" to use a different tag for files and directories.   More consistent,  didn't break any unit tests but might break your scripts.   Sorry ... 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GUI for xmlsh

I've long considered implementing a GUI for xmlsh.
I didnt do so from the start because I didnt want xmlsh to *be* the GUI (or require one). But now that the core is stable and mature, there are times when a GUI would be very useful.

Suggestions (and help!) welcome for this upcoming project.

Ideas I have

* optional. Core xmlsh not affected adversly
* portable. Probably (java) means using AWT or Swing ?
* atleast 1 mode that simulates a typical terminal with line editing

Onto things which might be really neat
* GUI view of variables
* debugger
* syntax sensitive source browser/editor
* multiple windows (one per thread ?)
* Eclipse plugin ?

A lot of things (and wasted time) could be put into this. I'd love feedback as if any of this seems useful to you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Released developer edition of eXist extension

I have released the 0.1 "developer" edition of the eXist extension module for xmlsh. This is Pre-Alpha quality and should not be used in production.

Comments welcome ! There's a lot left to go with this, but it supports the core REST operations exposed as DB operations put/get/invoke/query/del and one example list. From these I should be able to build a comprehensive set of tools for eXist.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Released update to MarkLogic extension

Thanks to some help from the field I found and fixed a bug in the MarkLogic invoke command. When using the "-v" option to pass external variables to stored xquery's the arguments were being misread.

This has been updated as version 1.12 of the MarkLogic extension module ( 2011-05-02)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Release 1.1.5

I've been really lazy and haven't posted on this blog for a while. Even skipped the last release.

Today I released xmlsh 1.1.5 as well as updates to the MarkLogic and Calabash extension modules. The main feature is updating to Saxon 9.3. Also includes some bug fixes, fixed demo app, improved test cases.

So whats coming up next ? I have a LOT of things in the pipeline. A major extension module I hope to release this year is the JSON extension module. This is an implementation of the JXON processor and associated tools. You may notice the json2xml and xml2json commands have been updated to use the JXML schema. This is just a tiny part of the JXON processor. I hope to release this in time for the upcoming Balisage 2011 conference. But if your curious now, an early implementation is checked into sourceforge.

Also in the pipes are extension modules for the Exist XML DB and also for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

No ETA on these yet but I've started work. Volunteers are welcome !

I'm also experimenting with the PE and EE Editions of Saxon. Some really great stuff in there especially XQuery 3.0, XPath 3.0 and XSLT 3.0. Unfortunately these are all paid/licensd features so I am reluctant to require their use. However I have tested xmlsh with Saxon 9.3 in both PE and EE versions to make sure you can use these features. I'd really love to have them as part of the core technology but not yet willing to pull the rug on a full free open source implementation.

Monday, January 17, 2011

XMLSH 1.1.3 released, 1.1.4 coming soon

Thanks to some great feedback from users as well as my JSON/XML project I've been making significant improvements, mostly fixes, to xmlsh.
1.1.1 and 1.1.2 , 1.1.3 were released in Dec, Jan. And a 1.1.4 is coming soon.